IFG, expert in custom foam applications.
Ideal and surprising solutions
Looking for high-quality customised foam applications? IFG is your partner when it comes to durable foam processing combined with coating. If processed and coated correctly, foam has many advantages. The unique compositions offer ideal and surprising solutions suitable for a wide range of applications in various sectors.
About us
Since its establishment in 1993, IFG has been supplying high-quality customised foam finishes. With our solutions, we have been able to unburden many partners worldwide and offer the best possible solution for every foam application.
We distinguish ourselves by combining sustainable foam processing with coating and our expertise and years of experience in this field. IFG not only has the knowledge of the material, but also of the techniques required to give the foam the required shape and the right protection.
Within our organisation, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability play an important role. As a family business, we are proud of our social character. We support various charities and the people we work with and cooperate with are of great value. Just like our customers, whom we advise and assist with the foam solution they require.
ISO certified
Because of the quality and versatility of foam – also called foam material, foam rubber or foam – it is suitable for a variety of professional applications. It offers ideal and often surprising solutions for use in various sectors.
The medical sector makes extremely high demands on products and materials. With high-quality homogeneous, hypoallergenic and water-repellent foam products, we occupy a unique position as a partner for the medical sector.
Foam is very well suited to use in the packaging industry, for example as user packaging and transport packaging to protect products. Foam is 100% recyclable and can be customised for many professional applications.
Our coated foam is popular with industrial companies as insulation material for machines and equipment, because it has a wide range of applications. Think of acoustic, aesthetic, protective and thermal applications.
IFG develops and produces durable and waterproof foam products such as fenders that meet the highest requirements within the Offshore. In this way, the foam products can make a substantial contribution to completing every heavy-duty Offshore job.
Customisation knows no bounds with us. The optimal processability of foam and the specialised coatings result in unique and durable customised products. Products with the most optimal properties.
With us, customisation has hardly any limits. The optimal processability of foam and the specialist coatings result in unique and durable customised products with the best possible properties.
Mission and Vision
Since its foundation in 1993, IFG has been engaged in the research, development and production of well thought-out and high-quality custom foam finishes. We produce (semi) finished products that require a high degree of specialist knowledge and accuracy. With our expertise, we unburden our partners and offer the best possible solution for every desired foam application.
We develop customised foam solutions that meet the demands of our customers. By reusing a large part of our total foam production and applying sustainable coatings, we want to make the (medical) world a bit more beautiful and healthier. Within our business operations, we take into account the effects on the environment, society and people.
Customer Stories
Glober koffers B.V.
Glober Koffers B.V.
Glober koffers B.V.
Sustainability & CSR
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability play an important role within our organisation. In all our activities, we take the impact on the environment, society and people into account as much as possible. We do this by recycling waste and saving energy, among other things. We want to reduce our CO2 emissions to a minimum, both now and in the future.
By reusing a large part of our total foam production and applying sustainable coatings, we want to make the (medical) world a bit more beautiful and healthier. Non-usable remnants are reused for many other applications worldwide. As a family business, we are proud of our social character; the people we work with and cooperate with are of great value to us. We also welcome people with disabilities or of advanced age. We also support charities that focus on the welfare of people and animals.
Because everyone should be able to participate in society, we have been employing people with a disadvantage on the labour market for years. They are trained by us, receive extra supervision and are of great value to our company. Just like our other employees, they play an important role in our organisation. We believe that everyone deserves a fair chance to contribute to society and be part of our team.
Because we only have one world and we want our children to have a bright future, we want to be a green employer. Where possible, we use as few harmful substances as possible during the production process and we save energy and therefore harmful CO2 emissions. One of the ways we do this is by using less environmentally harmful products where possible, such as water-based adhesives without solvents. With an eye to the future, we are making important sustainable investments. For example, we are switching our gas-heated spray booths to electricity and will largely generate our own energy by investing in solar panels.
We recycle a large part of our total foam procurement. To reduce our waste, we shred the cutting waste into flakes. This is high-quality material that can still be used perfectly. These flakes are suitable as filling material for our industrial beanbags or as packaging material. Through close cooperation with our suppliers, we also ensure that clean residue ends up with the right users to be reduced. Our goal is to return at least 80% of the remnants to the suppliers who then reduce the remnants to raw materials.
We consider it important to support good causes, such as the Assistance Dog Foundation. Through the use of an assistance dog and animal support therapy, Hulphond Nederland helps people with a physical or mental care need. Every year we donate a nice amount of money around Christmas time. Furthermore, we support various local and (inter)national charities because it is necessary and because we enjoy helping others.
Since our inception, we have worked closely with partners to ensure that our products are even better aligned with our clients' needs. Teamwork ensures powerful end results and customisation is achieved through far-reaching cooperation. The IFG engineers stand beside the specialists of the customer to develop the optimal solutions together. A working method in which everyone can use his specialties, within a cooperation with very short and fast communication lines.
Teamwork ensures powerful end results and customisation is achieved through far-reaching cooperation. The IFG engineers stand beside the specialists of the customer to develop the optimal solutions together. A working method in which everyone can use his specialties, within a cooperation with very short and fast communication lines.