Terms and conditions


Contact Information
IFG Industrial Foams B.V.
Dommel 43, 5422 VH Gemert, Netherlands
Chamber of Commerce No.: 16072845
Email: info@ifgbv.com
Phone: +31 (0)492 363 571

Article 1 – Definitions

In these general terms and conditions of sale and delivery, the following terms are defined as follows:
1.1 “Seller”: IFG Industrial Foams B.V., located at Dommel 43, 5422 VH Gemert, registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 16072845.
1.2 “Buyer”: the contracting party of IFG Industrial Foams B.V.

Article 2 – General

2.1 Unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing, these general terms and conditions of sale and delivery, hereinafter referred to as “General Terms and Conditions,” apply to all offers, quotations, and agreements under which the Seller supplies goods and/or services of any kind to the Buyer, even if such goods and/or services are not (further) described in these General Terms and Conditions.
2.2 The Buyer’s acceptance and retention of an offer or order confirmation that refers to these General Terms and Conditions, without objection, constitutes agreement to the applicability of these General Terms and Conditions.
2.3 These General Terms and Conditions also apply to other agreements, including follow-up and supplemental agreements, in which the Seller and the Buyer, or their legal successors, are parties.
2.4 Any general terms and conditions used by the Buyer will only apply if explicitly accepted in writing by the Seller.
2.5 Any reference by the Buyer to its own purchase terms (or other general terms) will not be accepted by the Seller and will not apply to the present agreement.
2.6 If one or more provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are null and void or annulled, the remaining provisions of these General Terms and Conditions will remain fully applicable.
2.7 Deviations from these General Terms and Conditions are only binding if agreed upon in writing.

Article 3 – Prices

3.1 Prices quoted by the Seller are exclusive of transport costs, VAT, other government levies, and additional costs such as storage costs, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing.
3.2 The Seller is not obliged to honor an agreement at a price that is clearly based on a printing or typographical error.
3.3 If, after the agreement is concluded, one or more external cost prices such as supplier prices, exchange rates, raw material and material prices, freight costs, wages, social charges, import duties, government levies, or other charges increase, even if foreseeable, the Seller is entitled to adjust the agreed price accordingly.
3.4 The Seller will inform the Buyer in writing of any intended price increase, specifying the amount of the increase and the date on which it will take effect.
3.5 If the price increase exceeds 15%, the Buyer is entitled to terminate the agreement in writing or cancel the order within 7 working days of the notification mentioned in the previous paragraph. Termination or cancellation will take effect on the date specified in the Seller’s notification of the price adjustment. However, the Buyer remains obligated to fulfill the agreement if the Seller promptly notifies the Buyer of its intention to deliver under the original prices.
3.6 Any price increase within three months after the conclusion of the agreement with a Buyer who is a natural person not acting in the exercise of a profession or business is permitted; in such a case, the Buyer has the right to dissolve the agreement in writing.

Artikel 4 – Aanbiedingen, offertes en annulering

4.1 Alle aanbiedingen, offertes, prijslijsten en levertijden etc. van de Verkoper zijn vrijblijvend, tenzij anders aangegeven en kunnen te allen tijde vrijblijvend door Verkoper worden herroepen, zelfs na aanvaarding van de aanbieding/offerte door Koper. Herroeping na aanvaarding door Koper zal door Verkoper onverwijld dienen te geschieden.

4.2 Overeenkomsten worden eerst door schriftelijke bevestiging van de Verkoper bindend. Aanvullingen of wijzigingen op de Algemene Voorwaarden of anderszins wijzigingen of aanvullingen op de overeenkomst worden na schriftelijke bevestiging door Verkoper bindend.

4.3 Aanvaarding door Koper welke afwijkt van de offerte geldt als een verwerping van de oorspronkelijke offerte en als een nieuwe offerte die Verkoper niet bindt, tenzij deze uitdrukkelijk door Verkoper wordt aanvaard. Dit geldt ook indien de aanvaarding slechts op ondergeschikte punten van de offerte van Verkoper afwijkt.

4.4 Opgave en specificaties in aanbiedingen en offertes betreffen onder meer formaat en gewicht en zijn bij benadering verstrekt.

4.5 Voorzover Koper enige prestatie verricht of voorbereidingen daartoe treft, in de kennelijke veronderstelling dat een overeenkomst tot stand zal komen of is gekomen, doet Koper dat op eigen risico.

4.6 Verkoper is gerechtigd, ter uitvoering van hetgeen is overeengekomen met Koper, derden in te schakelen.

4.7 Annulering door Koper is slechts mogelijk indien Verkoper daarmee instemt. Alsdan is Koper aan Verkoper, naast vergoeding van 20% van de koopprijs verplicht tot afname van reeds bestelde zaken, tegen betaling naar rato van de koopprijs. Koper is tegenover derden aansprakelijk voor de gevolgen van de annulering en vrijwaart Verkoper te dienaanzien voor alle aanspraken van derden. Door Koper reeds betaalde bedragen worden niet gerestitueerd.

Artikel 5 – Levering, leveringstermijn en deelleveringen

5.1 Levering geschiedt niet franco.

5.2 Bestelde zaken worden in de bij Verkoper voorradige groothandelsverpakkingen geleverd.

5.3 Verzending van bestelde zaken geschiedt op een door de Verkoper te bepalen wijze, doch voor rekening en risico van Koper. Koper dient zich tegen voornoemde risico’s adequaat te verzekeren.

5.4 Levering geschiedt éénmalig op een door de Koper opgeven adres, ook al zijn de bestelde zaken door de Koper bestemd om over verschillende adressen te worden gedistribueerd.

5.5 Koper staat in voor een goede bereikbaarheid van de plaats van bestemming/losplaats en is verantwoordelijk voor de uitlading/lossing.

5.6 Indien is overeengekomen dat het vervoer door of vanwege Verkoper zal geschieden, vindt levering plaats op het moment dat de goederen het door Verkoper ingeschakelde vervoermiddel verlaten.

5.7 Wanneer de goederen door Verkoper voor Koper worden opgeslagen, vindt levering plaats op het moment van opslag.

5.8 De leveringstermijn vangt aan op de datum van de orderbevestiging c.q. de datum van de acceptatie van de offerte, tenzij anders vermeld in de orderbevestiging c.q. offerte. Indien Koper aan Verkoper informatie en/of materialen ter beschikking moet stellen alvorens Verkoper aan Koper kan leveren, dan vangt de leveringstermijn niet aan dan nadat de informatie en/of materialen volledig door Verkoper zijn/is ontvangen.

5.9 Het is Verkoper toegestaan verkochte zaken in gedeelten te leveren. Indien de zaken in gedeelten worden geleverd, is Verkoper bevoegd elk gedeelte afzonderlijk te factureren.

5.10 Alle door Verkoper opgegeven leveringstermijnen gelden als bij benadering en kunnen nimmer als fatale termijnen worden beschouwd, tenzij uitdrukkelijk anders is overeengekomen. Een overschrijding van de leveringstermijn geeft Koper in geen geval recht op schadevergoeding en geeft Koper niet het recht de overeenkomst te ontbinden en/of anderszins zijn uit de overeenkomst voortvloeiende verplichting op te schorten.

5.11 Wanneer de leveringen of de werkzaamheden, door oorzaken buiten de schuld van de Verkoper, niet normaal of zonder onderbreking kunnen geschieden, is Verkoper gerechtigd de daaruit voortvloeiende meerkosten, waaronder begrepen voorrijkosten, aan Koper in rekening te brengen.

5.12 Indien Koper de zaken niet afneemt (binnen de overeengekomen termijn) nadat de goederen door Verkoper aan Koper ter beschikking zijn gesteld, dan wel indien het niet mogelijk blijkt de zaken een Koper te leveren, wegens een oorzaak gelegen in de risicosfeer van Koper, heeft Verkoper het recht de goederen op te slaan voor rekening en risico van Koper, conform de door Verkoper gehanteerde tarieven voor opslag. Indien Koper de goederen na verloop van een termijn van één maand nadat Verkoper Koper in kennis heeft gesteld van het feit dat zij de goederen heeft opgeslagen nog altijd niet heeft afgenomen, is Verkoper gerechtigd de overeenkomst met onmiddellijke ingang, zonder voorafgaande of nadere ingebrekestelling, zonder rechterlijke tussenkomst en zonder tot vergoeding van schaden, kosten en renten gehouden te zijn, geheel of gedeeltelijk te ontbinden en de goederen aan te bieden aan derden. Koper blijft ook in geval van opslag (en verkoop aan derden) onverkort gehouden tot betaling van de zaken (naast de kosten van opslag).

5.13 Indien is overeengekomen dat Verkoper goederen voor Koper opslaat, is Koper gehouden alle opgeslagen goederen binnen de overeengekomen opslagtermijn af te nemen en te betalen. Facturering geschiedt telkens op het moment van (deel)levering aan Koper. Heeft Koper niet alle goederen binnen de overeengekomen opslagtermijn afgenomen, dan is Verkoper gerechtigd de goederen aan te bieden aan derden, onverminderd de verplichting van Koper tot betaling van het restant.

5.14 Alle onkosten welke door Verkoper worden gemaakt ten verzoeke van Koper komen geheel voor rekening van Koper, tenzij schriftelijk anders is overeengekomen.

Article 6 – Transfer of Risk

6.1 The risk of the goods transfers to the Buyer at the moment of delivery, even if the Buyer does not cooperate in the delivery.
6.2 If the Seller has stored goods for the Buyer, these goods are under the Seller’s responsibility, at the Buyer’s expense and risk.
6.3 If the goods stored for the Buyer are destroyed by fire and/or another unforeseen circumstance, the storage costs will be charged up until the moment of destruction.

Article 7 – Retention of Title

7.1 The Seller retains ownership of all goods supplied until full payment has been made for the price of all goods supplied or yet to be supplied by the Seller to the Buyer, as well as for any other work carried out or to be carried out by the Seller in connection with the delivery of goods, and for any claims the Seller has against the Buyer due to their failure to comply with the agreement, including collection costs, interest, and penalties.
7.2 The Buyer is not permitted to sell, transfer ownership of, or otherwise make the goods supplied by the Seller subject to retention of title available to third parties, or encumber them, except where such actions are customary within the normal course of the Buyer’s business or if the Seller has expressly granted written permission.
7.3 If payment has not been received from the Buyer for an outstanding claim or if there is reasonable fear that the Buyer will not fulfill their obligations to the Seller, the Seller is entitled to reclaim the goods delivered under retention of title, without notice and without judicial intervention. The Buyer irrevocably authorizes the Seller to do so and must grant the Seller access to all premises where the goods are used. This is without prejudice to the Seller’s right to claim damages.
7.4 The Seller retains the right mentioned in the previous paragraph in the event of suspension of payment, bankruptcy, moratorium, or liquidation of the Buyer’s assets or business.
7.5 The Seller may require the Buyer, as long as the Buyer has not fully met their obligations under the agreement with the Seller, or before the Seller proceeds with delivery, to provide a bank guarantee or other equivalent security as collateral for payment of the owed amount or for what the Buyer will owe after delivery. The Buyer must immediately provide such security upon request. If the Buyer fails to provide this security, the Seller may suspend the delivery and/or terminate the ongoing agreement without judicial intervention, without prejudice to the Seller’s right to demand performance and/or compensation. The amount of security to be provided will be determined by the Seller.
7.6 The Buyer is further obliged to insure the goods delivered under retention of title against fire, explosion, water damage, and theft and to provide the insurance policy to the Seller for inspection upon request. The Buyer must also mark the goods as the property of the Seller or keep them separated from similar goods not subject to the Seller’s retention of title. If the Seller wishes to take further measures to protect their ownership rights concerning the goods, the Buyer must cooperate unless such measures unreasonably interfere with the normal operation of their business.

Article 8 – Defects

8.1 The Buyer is obliged to inspect the goods immediately upon receipt or upon the completion of work. The Buyer must check whether the delivered goods comply with the agreement, namely:

  1. whether the correct goods were delivered;
  2. whether the delivered goods meet the quality requirements that are reasonable for normal use and/or commercial purposes;
  3. whether the quantity of the delivered goods corresponds to the agreed amount.
  • Minor deviations in the specified dimensions, weights, quantities, colors, etc., do not constitute a defect on the part of the Seller.
  • The Seller’s copy of the bill of lading signed by the carrier without objections is considered conclusive proof of shipment of the quantities listed on the bill of lading, as well as the outward good condition of the goods.
  • The Buyer’s signed copy of the bill of lading, receipt, or other form of acknowledgment is considered conclusive proof that the goods listed thereon were received by the Buyer in full and in good condition unless a notation was made on the document.
    8.2 Complaints regarding delivered goods or performed work must be reported to the Seller within 24 hours after delivery or completion of work, in the case of visible defects, imperfections, or flaws. The complaint must also be confirmed in writing (by fax, letter, or bailiff’s report) to the Seller. Other complaints must be reported to the Seller within 8 days after receipt by the Buyer via registered mail.
    8.3 If complaints are not made within the specified periods, the goods will be considered to have been received in good condition and the work will be deemed to have been performed satisfactorily.
    8.4 The delivered goods, for which the complaint is made, must be present in their entirety for inspection by the Seller. The Buyer must allow the Seller to inspect the goods.
    8.5 In the event of a complaint, further processing of the goods may only take place after obtaining written permission from the Seller. A defect in part of the delivered batch does not entitle the Buyer to reject the entire batch.
    8.6 Return shipments that have not been discussed in advance or agreed to in writing by the Seller will not be accepted by the Seller.
    8.7 The Seller is entitled to charge administrative fees, shipping costs, and any other costs for return shipments unless agreed otherwise in writing.

Article 9 – Liability

9.1 Except in the case of intent or gross negligence, the Seller is never liable for direct damage suffered by the Buyer or a third party. The Seller is also not liable for any damage related to the transportation of goods. If a court rules that the Seller cannot rely on the liability limitation in the first sentence of this article, the Seller’s liability is limited to the maximum amount of the insurance payout provided by the Seller’s insurer, or the net agreed contract price, or a proportional part thereof.
9.2 If the Seller has obtained the goods delivered from a third party, the Seller’s liability to the Buyer is always limited to the warranty obligations that the supplier of the Seller has towards the Seller.
9.3 The Seller is never liable for indirect damage, including, but not limited to, financial loss as a result of direct damage, loss of profit, missed savings, damage due to business interruption, or damage resulting from third-party claims against the Buyer.
9.4 Any liability of the Seller to the Buyer ceases if the Buyer or a third party makes changes to the delivered goods.
9.5 Any liability of the Seller to the Buyer also ceases, and the Buyer indemnifies the Seller from any third-party claims, if (1) damage occurs due to improper and/or non-compliant use and/or improper storage of the delivered goods by the Buyer, (2) damage occurs because the Buyer has not acted in accordance with instructions or advice provided by the Seller, or (3) damage occurs due to errors or inaccuracies in data, materials, or media supplied or prescribed by the Buyer to the Seller.
9.6 The Buyer indemnifies the Seller from any claims by third parties related to the use and/or storage of goods delivered by the Seller, which third parties may make against the Seller.
9.7 The Seller guarantees the usual, normal quality and fitness of the goods delivered, but the actual lifespan of the goods cannot be guaranteed.
9.8 All claims against the Seller expire 6 months after the day following the date on which the claim became due. If the Buyer is a natural person not acting in the exercise of a profession or business, this period is extended to 1 year.

Article 10 – Packaging

10.1 Packaging delivered by the Seller, on which a deposit has been charged, will be taken back against payment of the deposit, provided the packaging is undamaged and complete and can be reused as packaging for the same type of goods as it was originally intended for.
10.2 When returning packaging via the Seller’s own transport means, the packaging must be sorted and ready for transport.
10.3 Packaging not delivered by the Seller will only be taken back insofar as the Seller carries the relevant packaging in its own range.

Article 11 – Force Majeure

11.1 Non-performance by the Seller of any obligation does not constitute a default by the Seller if it is the result of an event independent of the Seller – even if such an event was foreseeable at the time of the conclusion of the agreement – and of such a nature that performance of the agreement could not reasonably be required of the Seller or could not be performed in full.
11.2 Circumstances referred to in the previous paragraph include, among others: non-, incomplete and/or delayed delivery by a supplier of the Seller, war (threat), total or partial mobilization, import and export bans, measures by Dutch and/or foreign government bodies that make the performance of the agreement more difficult and/or costly than was foreseeable at the time of the conclusion of the agreement, frost, strikes and/or occupations, epidemics, traffic disruptions, loss or damage during transport, fire, theft, disruptions in energy supply, machinery defects, both in the Seller’s business and at third parties from whom the Seller obtains necessary materials, goods, or raw materials in whole or in part, and any other causes that have arisen outside the will and/or actions of the Seller.

Article 12 – Suspension and Termination

12.1 In the event of impossibility of performance due to force majeure, the Seller is entitled to suspend the performance of the agreement or to terminate the agreement, in whole or in part, without the obligation to pay any compensation.
12.2 If the Buyer does not, not properly, or not timely fulfill any obligation arising from the agreement with the Seller or related agreements, or if there are reasonable grounds to fear that the Buyer will not be able to fulfill its contractual obligations toward the Seller, as well as in the case of guardianship, partial guardianship, bankruptcy, suspension of payments, or loss of the power of disposal or capacity to act regarding their assets or parts of them, liquidation or partial transfer of the Buyer’s business, including the transfer of a significant part of its claims, or if a seizure is made against the Buyer and is not lifted immediately, the Seller is entitled to suspend the performance of the agreement or to terminate the agreement in whole or in part, without the need for a formal notice of default and without being obliged to pay any compensation, and without prejudice to any other rights of the Seller.
12.3 The Buyer waives all rights to terminate.

Article 13 – Payment

13.1 Unless otherwise agreed, the payment term is 30 days after the invoice date. Payment is made in cash.
13.2 Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, the Seller is entitled to demand prepayment from the Buyer at any time if the Seller believes that the Buyer will not be able to meet its payment obligations under any agreement with the Seller, either not timely or not in full. The amount of the prepayment will be determined by the Seller.
13.3 Complaints about an invoice sent by the Seller must be submitted by the Buyer in writing within 14 days after the invoice date, failing which all claims of the Buyer regarding this matter will lapse. Complaints from the Buyer about the invoice never suspend the (full) payment obligation of the Buyer.
13.4 Complaints as referred to in Article 8, as well as in cases where delivery cannot be made as referred to in Article 5, do not suspend the Buyer’s payment obligation.
13.5 If the Buyer fails to make payment within the agreed term, the Buyer will be automatically in default, without the need for a further notice of default. The Buyer will then owe a credit limitation surcharge of 2% of the purchase price and interest of 2% per month, cumulatively calculated on the principal sum. The interest on the payable amount will be calculated from the invoice date until the full payment of the amount.
13.6 If the Buyer is in default with the timely fulfillment of their obligations, all reasonable costs incurred in obtaining satisfaction outside of court will be borne by the Buyer. These extrajudicial collection costs amount to 2 points of the liquidated rate applied by the court in first instance, with a maximum of 15% of the principal sum. However, if the Seller has reasonably incurred higher costs to collect its claim than the aforementioned flat-rate, these will be fully borne by the Buyer.
13.7 A payment will first be credited to the collection costs, then to the due interest, and then to the principal sum. If the Buyer leaves several invoices unpaid, a payment – in accordance with the previous sentence – will first be applied to the oldest invoice and then to the next oldest invoice, etc., even if the Buyer states that the payment relates to a later invoice.
13.8 The Buyer is not permitted to offset any amount owed to the Seller with amounts the Seller may owe to the Buyer.

Article 14 – Samples, Models, and Examples

14.1 If the Seller has shown or provided a model, sample, or example, it is presumed to have been shown or provided for identification purposes only. No rights can be derived from this, unless expressly agreed otherwise by the parties. The characteristics of the goods to be delivered may differ from the sample, model, or example, unless it was expressly stated that delivery would conform to the shown or provided sample, model, or example.

Article 15 – Applicable Law and Disputes

15.1 Dutch law exclusively applies to all offers, quotations, and/or agreements with the Seller. The applicability of the Uniform Commercial Code 1964 and the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded.
15.2 All disputes arising from offers, quotations, and/or agreements made with the Seller will exclusively be submitted to the competent court in the district where the Seller has its actual registered office, unless it has been expressly agreed in writing that the dispute will be settled by another body.
15.3 In the event that the Buyer is a natural person not acting in the course of a profession or business, the Buyer may, within one month after informing the Seller that the matter will be brought before the court, indicate that they choose to have the dispute resolved by the legally competent court.